Celebrating Diversity,
Fostering Unity

The Social Impact of the Africultures Festival Report

The Social Impact of the Africultures Festival Report

Researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), in collaboration with the Africultures Festival organising committee, conducted an assessment to evaluate the festival’s impact on promoting cultural exchange and integration, as well as enhancing the capacity and social capital of stallholders and performers. The evaluation was based on surveys administered to attendees, stallholders, and performers at the 2023 festival, forming the core of this analysis.

Key findings from the assessment highlight the festival’s significant social impact on attendees. The festival fosters a sense of community among attendees from diverse backgrounds. African attendees reported enhanced connections within their own communities and with the broader Australian community. Non-African attendees experienced a deepened appreciation for African cultures, promoting cross-cultural understanding and integration. A strong sense of community among festival attendees was linked to their improved social well-being. Participants who felt connected to specific communities, even those outside their own cultural background, showed a greater openness to positively changing their views on societal functioning and expressed greater optimism about society as a whole.

In terms of capacity building for stallholders and performers, the festival offers an opportunity for stallholders to directly promote and sell their goods and services, thereby increasing sales and visibility within and beyond the African community. Similarly, performers are given a stage to showcase their talents, contributing to cultural exchange and celebration. The festival’s capacity building initiatives included necessary preparations and training sessions, such as food safety training and marketing and promotion workshops. These initiatives not only help enhance the skills of stallholders and performers but also improve their business operations, enabling them to thrive in their respective fields.